We know you're trained.
But are you prepared?

COVID-19 Awareness Training available
Consultation, Training and Services Available Throughout the
Western United States
Call Now: 805-750-0915
or by Email: Marty@cnasafety.com
30 Year of Experience

With 30+ years of real world experience in Planning, Preparedness, Response, Mitigation and Recovery, C & A Safety Consultants is able to help you with any area of Cal/OSHA, OSHA, DOT, DTSC or EPA compliance.
CNA Safety Consultants has provided consulting and training services to:
County of Los Angeles Fire Department- Environmental Division,
County of Riverside HazMat Responders,
The Law Offices of Latham & Watkins, LLC,
Las Virgenes Unified School District,
Madison Medical Construction Corp.,
Burrtec Inc.,
Avi Bank Manufacturing, Inc.,
PumpMan Inc.,
Covenant Care LLC.-Long Beach,
Heritage Auction LLC.,
U.S. Bank Building,
MTS Testing & Services Inc.,
IDECO, Inc.,
The Port of Hueneme,
Athens Services, Inc.,
Anheuser-Busch - a division of Dubuisson Brewery,
Lucix Corporation,
Environmental Training And Compliance (ETAC),
Alignaerospace, Inc.,
This is a partial list of CNA Safety Consultants clients.

Our consultants bring with them decades of real world experience in Emergency Preparedness, Emergency Management, Law Enforcement, Fire Services, Private Security, and the full spectrum of exercises and training events ranging from table top exercise to full scale multiagency operations.
Our experience includes working with organizations and agencies including: DTSC, Investigators from OCDA – Hazardous Materials Investigation, Cal/OSHA, AQMD, OES, OSHA, EPA, DOT, DHS, ATF, FBI, DoD, and U.S. Coast Guard.

CNA Safety Consultants offers innovative ideas to address the challenges of business while attempting to comply with various regulatory mandates.
Consulting, Documentation auditing, Onsite Training customized to your location/Companies uniqueness.
CLick more to see a listing of our services!